Nutrition Services - Accredited Practicing Dietitan.


A dietetic consultation can assist anyone who wants to improve their health and nutrition through food and lifestyle change, supporting people to build a healthy relationship with food and with their bodies.

We offer you a range of dietetic services, specialising in;

  • Sports Performance

  • Weight Management

  • Food intolerances & gut health

  • Food allergies

  • Chronic disease management

  • Balancing lifestyle food choices with nutritional deficiencies (Vegan, Vegetarian etc)

How can a dietitian help you?

  • Individual nutrition assessments

  • Developing personalised eating plans that consider medical conditions and personal circumstances

  • Collaborate with GP’s, Specialists and Exercise Physiologists to manage chronic health and illness

  • Providing information on healthy eating, shopping for food, eating out and preparing meals/snacks at home

  • Helping you diversify your diet through recipe development, product comparisons and recommendations.


Private Health Rebates apply for those with Dietetics Cover.

Initial Dietitics Consultation - $140

Follow-up Dietitics Appointment - $90

Medicare Subsidised Dietitics

For those with chronic health pain or conditions. You may be eligible for Medicare Subsidised Appointments via a Team Care Arrangement or ‘TCA’ Referral. Speak to us or your GP to see whether you might be eligible. If so, Medicare would cover $56 of the above appointment fees.

Nutrition for weight management

Social media is filled with someone claiming to have the secret to weight loss. In reality, fad diets and get-thin-quick schemes don’t work. The reason for this is simple, when it comes to sustainable health and weight management, there is no one-size-fits-all-all secret. Finding what works best for you takes time and collaboration with healthcare professionals.

Although being lean can often be healthy, being underweight can be a concern if it's the result of poor nutrition or if you are pregnant or have other health concerns.

Our dietitian will work with you to understand how you are currently fueling your body and help you make small changes that will help you slowly and safely put on weight.

As exercise can stimulate appetite, we will also work closely with you and our Strength & Conditioning team to gain weight by building your muscles.

Gain Weight

Lose Weight

Weight loss is sometimes portrayed as being as simple as burning more calories than you eat or following a ‘proven’ formula. However, shedding the extra kilos is more complex than this, and there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

Losing weight is about much more than what you eat. It involves changing behaviours around your diet and lifestyle. For example, if you use food to cope with stress or boredom, you’ll need to find new ways to deal with these issues.

Navigating allergies & gut health

With conditions like IBS and coeliac disease, there are some foods you just can’t eat. It can be incredibly overwhelming and even isolating trying to find a way of eating that is nutritionally dense and keep your tummy symptoms at bay. That’s where we can help, our dietitian can support and guide you in efficiently identifying your individual food triggers that may be causing you painful symptoms. They can then customise nutrition recommendations that take the confusion out of gut health and maximise symptom relief, diet variety and enjoyment!

Our dietitian has completed additional training for IBS & the low fodmap diet from Monash university and can help streamline identifying and managing your symptoms.

Weight management

Eating for Sports Performance

Whether is chasing a PB or going for a prmiership on the footy field, nutrition Is a vital key to success. Working with a registered dietitian can help optimise your diet and eating patterns to match your performance goals without compromising health or enjoyment!

Sports Dietitians can help to:

- Finding a fuelling strategy that leaves you feeling energised during training and competition
- Help optimise your recovery strategies to avoid any unnecessary fatigue or injuries
- Assess, manage, and troubleshoot any gut sensitivities you may have affected your performance
- Finding a way of eating that promotes health and performance, but most importantly enjoyment!

You don’t have to be an professional athlete to benefit from nutritional support.

Chronic Disease Management

Illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease are closely linked to what you eat. Making healthy dietary changes can help keep those diseases in check — or even stop them in their tracks. Adopting healthier diet and exercise habits can keep prediabetes from developing into diabetes, for example.

You can’t always cure diseases with diet. But food can go a long way toward reducing symptoms.

Those with a chronic disease or illness may also be eligible for Medicare subsidised appointments. Some examples of conditions include;

  • Cancer

  • Cardiovascualar disease

  • Asthma

  • Kidney disease

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Musculoskeletal conditions such as Osteoarthritis

Sports Physio

Did you know that if you have a chronic disease or illness you may be eligible for Medicare subsidised Dietitics appointments via your GP? If you want to know if you might be eligible or to learn more give us a call.

Balancing Vegan/Vegetarianism & nutritional deficits.

Many Vegans and Vegetarians will subsidise their diets with supplements however it can be very difficult to get a well-rounded diet correct.

We find that many young Vegans and Vegetirians who play sports are getting injured and take longer to recover, this is due to nutritional deficiencies. Seeing a dietitian can help guide you through which foods to help to maximise your nutrition and correct deficiencies without compromising on your preferences.

Sports Physio

Nutrition for mental health

Like with a car, the better quality fuel you put in it has a direct impact on how well it performs. Your brain is no different.

We do not know exactly why diet affects mental health, but it could be due to changes in blood glucose (sugar) levels, inflammation, or effects on the microorganisms that live in the gut. Eating well also prevents some chronic diseases like diabetes, which also affect mental health.

Being overweight or obese can contribute to mental health disorders. Some medicines for mental illness also cause weight gain, which adds to the problem. Losing weight through better nutrition and exercise can improve mental health.

Eating habits can also affect sleep and therefore mental health. We will work with you to identify some possible causes in conjunction with your GP and mental health professional.