richmond physio

Richmond Physiotherapy

If you’re looking for a Physiotherapy clinic that utilises the most appropriate and current techniques, including mobilisation, manipulation, soft-tissue massage and trigger point therapy, dry needling, joint mobility and stretching; this is coupled with guided specific rehabilitation to educate, retrain, activate and strengthen the particular areas of your body to help alleviate your symptoms, achieve your identified goals and prevent future injury recurrence.

Physiotherapy can assist in;

  • Diagnosing, relieving, or preventing physical dysfunction and pain

  • Create structured pre and post-surgical programs to help your body cope with the stress of surgery and recover faster.

  • Help athletes enhance performance, minimise the risk of injury and help you manage and recover faster from sports-related injuries.

  • Work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals as part of Medicare subsidised programs for those with chronic pain or chronic illness

You do not need a doctor’s referral for physiotherapy- physiotherapists are considered primary health care practitioners, enabling us to make a diagnosis, refer for imaging and help you recover without stepping foot into a GP clinic. However, if we are concerned about anything in particular that is outside of the scope of a physio, we have great relationships with local doctors and can get you seen ASAP.


On the spot Private Health Rebates apply for those with Physiotherapy cover.

1-1 Appointments

Initial Physiotherapy Consultation - 45 minutes - $132

Follow-up Physiotherapy Appointment - 30 minutes - $121

Group Classes

Individual Sessions - 45 minutes - $58

Packages - $289 x 6 sessions ($48.16 each)

Pensioner Card Holders (PCC)

50% off Initial Consultation (private consultations)

25% off Follow Up

Medicare Subsidised Physiotherapy

For those with chronic health pain or conditions. You may be eligible for Medicare Subsidised Appointments via a Team Care Arrangement or ‘TCA’ Referral. Speak to us or your GP to see whether you might be eligible. If so, Medicare would cover $56 of the appointment.


Workcover covers $64.09 of the appointment fee above.

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Physio for everyone

Our extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics enables us to diagnose and treat not only your symptoms but also the underlying causes of your problem. As a result, we can improve the speed and effectiveness of your recovery, as well as help, prevent future re-occurrence.

In your initial assessment, we will give you a diagnosis via specific movement-based tests. A suspected diagnosis is given during the initial appointment with a detailed explanation of your symptoms, as well as the underlying cause of your problem.

A comprehensive, tailored, physiotherapy treatment plan is then created with a focus on your individual goals. Your physiotherapist will utilise a range of treatment techniques including manipulation, mobilisation, soft-tissue massage, dry needling, stretching, and rehabilitation exercises to help you reach your goals.


Our Initial assessments are up to 45 minutes long (industry standard is 30 minutes), while our follow up appointments are up to 30 minutes (industry standard 20).

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Sports Physiotherapy

We separate Sports Physiotherapy from normal physiotherapy as the demands you place on your body, as an amateur or elite athlete, can be high, fast and repetitive loads, resulting in acute injuries and reoccurring niggles.

We understand the mechanisms of injury of sports injuries. We are able to program and plan in detail the return to sport process from the moment of injury to the Return to Sport stage, setting proper benchmarks to progress through the different phases of the required rehab. We understand the biological healing process in detail compared to a regular physio, but also we know how to apply strength and conditioning principles throughout the injury process. We understand the demands of your sport and are able to adapt the rehab process to the requirements of your sport.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Our initial assessments are 45 minutes long, this allows us to get a thorough understanding of the circumstances of your injury. The consult doesn’t stop there though: we provide post consult care at the highest level, including Management Plans sent to you within 48 hours, as well as follow up communication to assess the impacts of treatment and/ or rehab program.

After our assessment we will either be able to provide you with a diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis and will refer you for either ultrasound, X-ray, or MRI to confirm.

If we believe you require a sports doctor or surgical opinion we will refer you to one of the fantastic sports doctors or surgeons we work closely with.

Return to Sport

When the time comes for you to return to sport is where you’ll really begin to understand the superior service we offer our clients. As physiotherapists, we understand that we have a job to do and when we have completed that, sometimes there are specialised professionals who are more appropriate to finish off the job. At this point, you will begin to work with both our Physiotherapists and Strength & Conditioning Coaches who will design a return to sport program incorporating load management, strength, fitness and sport-specific testing.

Treatment & Rehabilitation

Every injury is different- so your treatment will either continue at our Bridge Road Clinic or at our Rehabilitation Facility on Lord Street.

We use a range of treatment techniques to get you on the mend- as physiotherapists who are experienced in working with athletes, we know that getting you back into the gym as quickly as possible will mean the best chance for you to get back onto the field this season.

Injury Prevention

Now that you are back playing sport, we want you to stay there- we work closely with our athletes to ensure we do everything we can to reduce the risk of future preventable injuries.

Using equipment such as our Vald ForceFrame and ForceDecks, we ensure we know exactly where any indicators of increased injury risk might be specific to your position and sport, and design a program for you that gets you as strong, as quick and playing at your best as possible!

Check out more information around our Injury Prevention here

Our Sport Physiotherapists create tailored solutions to fit your specific injury, sport and position