Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiologists specialise in the design, delivery and evaluation of safe and effective clinical interventions that are exercise-based and include health and physical activity, education, support, and lifestyle modification for people with a broad range of health conditions. Exercise Physiologists work with you when you have musculoskeletal pain, chronic disease, mental health, or neurological or medical conditions that might hinder your ability to be active i.e high blood pressure, cancer or osteoarthritis.

If you have a diagnosed health condition, you may be eligible for subsidised Exercise Physiology through Medicare. Speak to us or your GP about whether you might be eligible.

Chronic disease or illness goes hand in hand with healthy eating. Check out more information on our dietetics services by clicking below.


Private Health Rebates apply for those with Exercise Physiology Cover.

1-1 Appointments

Initial Exercise Physiology Consultation - 60 minutes - $126

Follow-up Exercise Physiology Appointment - 45 minutes - $108

Group Classes

Individual Sessions - 45 minutes - $58

Packages - $289 x 6 sessions ($48.16 each)

Pensioner Card Holders (PCC)

50% off Initial Consultation

25% off Follow Up

Medicare Subsidised Exercise Physiology

For those with chronic health pain or conditions. You may be eligible for Medicare Subsidised Appointments via a Team Care Arrangement or ‘TCA’ Referral. Speak to us or your GP to see whether you might be eligible. If so, Medicare would cover $56 of the above appointment fee.

Chronic Health Conditions

Some examples of the types of conditions we work with include (but not limited to):

  • Arthritis

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Endometriosis

  • Hypertension

  • Osteoporosis

Physiotherapy exercises

If you’re living with a chronic condition, injury or illness, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist is the best person to help you get moving again. We understand the challenges and will work with you (and your doctor) to prescribe safe and effective exercise interventions.

Physiotherapy exercises
  • Neuromuscular disease

  • PCOS

  • POTS

  • Stroke

  • Women’s Health

  • Chronic Fatigue

If you are living with a chronic health condition you may be able to get access to Medicare subsidised Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy and Nutrition through a plan issued by your GP. If you would like to learn more give us a call and we can talk you through the process.

Pre & Post Natal

Exercise during and after pregnancy has both short-term and long-term health benefits including;

Physiological changes during pregnancy can range from cardiovascular to metabolic to musculoskeletal resulting in:

-Increased heart rate, at rest and when exercising

-Deeper and more rapid breathing


-Pelvic floor changes

-Centre of gravity changes and balance changes

-Recovery post birth

-Return to exercise safely

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Accredited Exercise Physiologist study these physiological responses to exercise, and are trained to design appropriate and safe exercise programming for you and your baby.

Historically, exercise during pregnancy may have been considered risky, however, research has rapidly increased our understanding of the importance of exercise prescription.

Recommendations are now that pregnant women should aim to meet the prescribed physical activity levels of the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines: 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise, or a combination of both, per week.

After birth, and clearance from your GP or Obs (generally around 6 weeks), Exercise Physiologists can help you regain strength and fitness that you may have lost during pregnancy.

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Post-COVID Syndrome is defined as experiencing ongoing COVID-19 symptoms for more than 12 weeks post-infection. The symptoms of Post-COVID Syndrome can be a barrier to getting back into normal daily living.

Exercise physiology supports patients through integrating exercises tailored to each individual and their personal lifestyle; ensuring that exercise treatment is at a suitable level. For some, this could be as simple as beginning the process of walking to or around the supermarket.

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Mental Health

The significance of mental health concerns in Australia is alarming, with approximately one million adults suffering from depression or a depressive episode, and a further two million with anxiety.

There has been an overwhelming amount of evidence demonstrating the positive effects exercise and physical activity can have on your mental health. It has shown to effectively reduce, manage or eliminate some mental health illnesses!

The delivery of an exercise plan tailored to your mental health and physical well-being are important not just for the short-term benefits of mental health, but more importantly the long-term effects exercise has on overall mental health and wellbeing

Physiotherapy exercises


In 2022, it is estimated that 162,163 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia (88,982 males and 73,181 females). It is estimated that around 2 in 5 people (or 43%) will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.

There is now overwhelming evidence from a large number of studies that suggest regular exercise after cancer diagnosis will actually increase cancer survival rates, with the strongest effect on breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. Studies are being completed for various types of cancer with promising results.

Breast Cancer

Around 17,500 people are diagnosed with breast cancer (including at least 150 men)
Exercise plays an important role in the treatment of and recovery from breast cancer, this is done by reducing the number and severity of treatment-related side effects and symptoms such as;
- pain
- fatigue
- sleep disturbances
- cognitive impairment

Prostate Cancer

Every year around 20,000 cases are diagnosed and unfortunately, 3,300 people will die making it the second most prevalent cause of death from cancer.
Exercise is an important adjunct therapy to reduce your symptoms, lessen the side effects of radiation and drug therapies, improve your psychological wellness and increase your survival rate.

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